Community Engagement
Bringing the power of choral music to a large and diverse audience is a goal of Santa Barbara Choral Society.
Our outreach and education programs include:
Complimentary Tickets
These are distributed each concert to local area groups. We believe that providing everyone with the opportunity to attend our concerts creates a reciprocal experience by sharing our joy of music with a highly appreciative audience.
Singing Youth Scholarships
The chorus offers musically advanced high school and college students the opportunity to sing large choral masterworks with full orchestra alongside our adult chorus members. For more information about supporting or applying please contact us online at info@sbchoral.com!
June 28, 2023
Current and former singers, friends and families celebrated the day The Choral Society was founded in 1948 with a Pot Luck Picnic and Beer Choir at the very location where the group originated during a gathering following a performance of “Elijah”.
Community Sings
May 21, 2022
On May 21, 2022, nearly 90 singers drawn from across the Santa Barbara area enjoyed a day honing their musical skills with renowned Grammy-Award-winning conductor Dr. Eugene Rogers at the Music Academy. The morning rehearsal had the singers fine-tuning Mozart’s Requiem, and in the afternoon, they rehearsed a medley of Spirituals with Dr. Rogers. The feedback was enormously positive and The Choral Society was honored to have someone of Dr. Roger’s caliber conducting. Another Community Sing will be announced for spring of 2023.
Homecoming and Beer Choir Picnic
Sunday, Sept 19, 2021
The Choral Society welcomed back their members with a Homecoming Picnic on September 19, 2021 at Oak Park in Santa Barbara. It was a fun-filled afternoon with laughter and conversation, but especially singing!
Everyone brought a picnic lunch, and then launched into singing a number of tunes from the Beer Choir Hymnal. Beer Choir Twin Cities, founded in 2017, is the flagship chapter of the national Beer Choir movement founded by composer Michael Engelhardt in 2015. The Beer Choir Hymnal is a songbook of 40 drinking song classics, original works, and favorite melodies updated with irreverent lyrics. Friends meet at a local pub mostly to sing together, but also raise a glass or two.